Treatment Study for Youth Anxiety and Insomnia

This study aims to compare the efficacy of group-based CBT-I and CBT-A in reducing the severity of insomnia and anxiety symptoms, as well as other depressive symptoms and daytime functioning (e.g. sleepiness, fatigue) in adolescents with comorbid insomnia and anxiety, when compared with the waiting-list control. Additionally, this study investigates the potential change of general and sleep-related attentional bias after the group-based CBT-I and CBT-A treatment.

This project is recruiting!​


  1. 12-19歲青少年
  2. 最近3個月,一星期3晚或以上受失眠困擾
  3. 過去六個月,經常感到擔心和緊張
  4. 上述情況影響日常生活


有興趣的參加者請按下面 『Apply Now』按鈕留下資料。

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