Research Projects

We endeavour to understand how sleep affects our daily function and our physical and mental well-being. Our ultimate goals are to translate research into practice and to inform the development of treatments and interventions to improve sleep and health.

Key Research Areas

Circadian Rhythm

Sleep & Cognition

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Interventions

Current Projects

Treatment study for Insomnia for Youths on Impulsivity and Risk taking Behaviour

The study aims to test the effects of CBT-I on impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors in adolescents, assessed by both self-report and objective measures when compared with the psychoeducation control. We also examine whether changes in sleep mediate the changes in impulsivity in youths with insomnia.

Reward processing and eveningness in youth depression: A longitudinal EEG investigation

The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of youth depression and eveningness chronotype, with a particular focus on investigating whether eveningness contributes to deficits in reward processing among adolescents. The research will primarily employ polysomnography (PSG) and electroencephalography (EEG) techniques to examine sleep patterns and neural activity associated with reward processing in adolescents exhibiting an evening chronotype. Moreover, this study adopts a longitudinal design to investigate the temporal dynamics of these factors and their potential changes over time.

Treatment study for Depression in Youths with Delayed Sleep Phase (DELAY Trial)

The goal of this prospective randomised controlled trial is to examine the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy and bright light therapy in youths with unipolar depression and evening chronotype. The study aimed to examine the efficacy of CBT-D and CBT-D with bright light therapy in reducing depression severity in adolescents with depression and eveningness?

Sleep Variability, Eveningness, and Depression in Adolescents: A Case-control Study

The study aimed to explore how eveningness and depression can differentially affect sleep variability in adolescents and how they can work together to contribute to irregular sleep. The study also examined the association between sleep variability and other sleep and mental health problems (e.g., insomnia, suicidal ideation).

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Pathophysiology of Adolescent Insomnia and Depression: A Case-control Study

The study aims to examine the role of hyperarousal in adolescent insomnia and depression. Hyperarousal, reflected by cognitive reactivity, cortical activities, and stress level. We aim to understand the pathophysiology of adolescent insomnia and depression by assessing biological samples, sleep quality, and questionnaires.

Treatment Study for Insomnia in Pregnant Women with Comorbid Insomnia and Depression

This study aims to test the efficacy of group-based cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and app-based CBT-I (developed by a group of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists) in combination with usual care (UC) in reducing the severity of insomnia and depression in pregnant women with comorbid insomnia and depression, when compared with UC plus group-based health-related psychoeducation control. This study also examines the effects of group-based CBT-I and app-based CBT-I on subjective and objective sleep and mood measures, quality of life measures as well as mother-infant-relationship.

Efficacy of group cognitive behavioral therapy for youth anxiety and insomnia

This study aims to compare the efficacy of group-based CBT-I and CBT-A in reducing the severity of insomnia and anxiety symptoms, as well as other depressive symptoms and daytime functioning (e.g. sleepiness, fatigue) in adolescents with comorbid insomnia and anxiety, when compared with the waiting-list control. Additionally, this study investigates the potential change of general and sleep-related attentional bias after the group-based CBT-I and CBT-A treatment.

Treatment Study for Insomnia in Adolescents with ADHD

This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in reducing insomnia severity in adolescents with ADHD and insomnia when compared with the waiting-list control. This study also examines the effects of the treatment on adolescents’ sleep, emotion regulation ability, and psychological well-being.

An Eye-tracking Study on Attentional Bias in Insomnia

This study proposes to compare the level of threat- and sleep-related attentional bias in youth with and without insomnia. More importantly, we comprehensively analyze individuals’ attentional eye-gaze patterns in response to threat- and sleep-related information using advanced eye-tracking technology.

Completed Projects
Parent-based intervention to improve sleep for children with ADHD
Insomnia Treatment Study Poster
Treatment Study for Insomnia and Depression
Effects of Sleep Duration Variability on Congitive Functions
Longitudinal Assessment of Chronotype and Mental Health
Aetiology and Pathophysiology of Insomnia in Youth
Sleep, Common Mental Disorders, and Psychotic-like Experiences
Treatment Study for Insomnia with Delayed Sleep Phase using Bright Light Therapy
Sleep and Psychologial Resilience
Treatment Study for Insomnia using digitally delivered CBTI
Sleep and Cognitive Functioning among Elderly​