Treatment Study for Insomnia in Pregnant Women with Comorbid Insomnia and Depression

This study aims to test the efficacy of group-based cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and app-based CBT-I (developed by a group of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists) in combination with usual care (UC) in reducing the severity of insomnia and depression in pregnant women with comorbid insomnia and depression, when compared with UC plus group-based health-related psychoeducation control. This study also examines the effects of group-based CBT-I and app-based CBT-I on subjective and objective sleep and mood measures, quality of life measures as well as mother-infant-relationship.

This project is recruiting!​






  1. 懷孕的女性
  2. 連續三個月,每週至少有三個晚上受失眠困擾,導致日常生活受到影響(如工作、社交或其他方面)
  3. 最近兩星期受情緒問題困擾


有興趣的參加者請按下面 『Apply Now』按鈕留下資料。

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