Reward processing and eveningness in youth depression: A longitudinal EEG investigation
The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of youth depression and eveningness chronotype, with a particular focus on investigating whether eveningness contributes to deficits in reward processing among adolescents. The research will primarily employ polysomnography (PSG) and electroencephalography (EEG) techniques to examine sleep patterns and neural activity associated with reward processing in adolescents exhibiting an evening chronotype. Moreover, this study adopts a longitudinal design to investigate the temporal dynamics of these factors and their potential changes over time.
This project is recruiting!
晚睡青少年的犒賞機制與情緒結果 – 縱貫性腦電研究: 志願者招募
我們希望了解夜間睡眠類型(「貓頭鷹」型/ 習慣性晚睡晚起的人)、犒賞機制及其對青少年情緒困擾的潛在關係。在這項研究中,我們旨在對你的睡眠、晝夜節律、情緒和認知功能進行全面評估。 這項計畫可以幫助研究者了解認知功能背後的神經生理機制,特別是犒賞機制,以及晚睡青少年潛在的情緒困擾。
- 面談評估(大約兩小時)
- 7日實驗前監察
- 睡眠多導圖監察 (PSG)
- 暗光褪黑激素分泌檢測(DLMO)
- 腦電圖實驗(EEG-ERP)
- 季度問卷跟蹤
- 後續評估與跟進
- 12-20歲
- 沒有睡眠及情緒障礙
- 沒有長期服用安眠藥
- 習慣性晚睡晚起 或 作息時間正常
有興趣的參加者請按下面 『Apply Now』按鈕留下聯絡資料。
如閣下對是項研究有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡研究員金小姐 (Email: / WhatsApp: 5135 2851) 。
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