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撰文:Sophie Yip | 插圖:iStock


按摩是一種安全、非侵入性的療法,因此經常被用以替代或輔助藥物治療。按摩可以刺激中樞神經系統,減慢心率和呼吸,令人感到平靜(Zadkhosh et al., 2015)另外,按摩的時候透過接觸到特定的穴位會增加穴位的血液循環,從而緩解緊張和腰痛 (Harris & Richards, 2010)。

研究亦發現按摩治療能引起生理或心理上的放鬆反應,例如令肌肉放鬆、心率和血壓降低,以及皮膚溫度升高,從而減少覺醒 (Richards, 1998)。這種放鬆的身體狀態能改善睡眠心理質量、時長,及減少睡眠障礙 (Kashani & Kashani, 2014)。

如果大家想紓緩疲勞,提升睡眠質素,不妨嘗試以下有效的按摩方法 (Cheraghbeigi et al., 2019)

  1. 按摩手和腳20分鐘(從腳底到膝蓋,從手掌到手肘)
  2. 在每邊腳上,用拇指從腳底開始按摩,然後移動到腳跟
  3. 用手掌深壓腳的後側位置,從腳踝按到膝蓋,然後再輕輕按壓至腳踝
  4. 在每隻手上,先用拇指按摩手掌,再從手指按到手腕
  5. 用手掌深壓按摩手的後側,然後輕輕按壓回到手腕

若喜歡香薰的味道,大家亦可以嘗試用植物萃取的精油(essential oil)按摩,研究發現這種方法也能舒緩壓力和放鬆肌肉,從而改善睡眠質素和減少負面情緒 。我們亦可以於睡前播放節奏慢的音樂,將精油滴在胸部,然後按摩頭部、肩部和頸部等身體部位,以促進精油的吸收 (Chang et al., 2017)。如果想了解更多精油的功用,可以參考我們關於芳香療法的文章 芳香療法能幫助提升睡眠質素嗎

  1. Chang, Y. Y., Lin, C. L., & Chang, L. Y. (2017). The effects of aromatherapy massage on sleep quality of nurses on monthly rotating night shifts. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2017.
  2. Cheraghbeigi, N., Modarresi, M., Rezaei, M., & Khatony, A. (2019). Comparing the effects of massage and aromatherapy massage with lavender oil on sleep quality of cardiac patients: a randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice35, 253-258.
  3. Harris, M., & Richards, K. C. (2010). The physiological and psychological effects of slow‐stroke back massage and hand massage on relaxation in older people. Journal of clinical nursing19(7‐8), 917-926.
  4. Kashani, F., & Kashani, P. (2014). The effect of massage therapy on the quality of sleep in breast cancer patients. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research19(2), 113-8.
  5. Lin, Pi-Chu, Lee, Pi-Hsia, Tseng, Shu-Ju, Lin, Yen-Miao, Chen, Su-Ru, and Hou, Wen-Hsuan. Effects of Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 45 (2019): 156-66.
  6. Richards, K. C. (1998). Effect of a back massage and relaxation intervention on sleep in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 7(4), 288.
  7. Zadkhosh, S. M., Ariaee, E., Atri, A. E., Rashidlamir, A., & Saadatyar, A. (2015). The effect of massage therapy on depression, anxiety and stress in adolescent wrestlers. International Journal of Sport Studies5(3), 321-327.